
Showing posts from February, 2020

A true story for Eric

Photo credit:  Scott Cain During the summer months I park my 25ft Hybrid RV on our driveway. It’s there as temporary guest quarters for when family and friends visit. Occasionally when guests are not around, I too take the opportunity to sleep in the trailer. Partly out of a want for a change in scenery but mostly because I have found that the trailer’s pop out tent bunks are similar to the sleeping porch I have always dreamed of. On one fine July evening 2019, my son Colin and I decided to make use of the empty space and sleep in the trailer. It was simply a little too hot and stuffy inside the house and the cool night air was ever so much more delightful. Colin slept in the bunk at the east end towards the bay and I slept in the bunk at the west end towards the woods. It was by all account, a lovely evening to sleep nearly out side in the woods next to the big lake. At breakfast the next morning I was telling my two children (Colin seated across from me), that I was surpri