
Showing posts from May, 2023

A eulogy for Richard D. Cain

  Life presents each of us with unique set of people and choices. If we are to be defined by our decisions and relationships, then I would like to suggest these three words define Rich Cain. REAL, GENUINE, and DEDICATION. According to Marrium-Webster, a synonym the word REAL is defined as “having an objective independent existence ” As some of you are aware, years ago in the 1990’s, my father and I shared the same employer Sears and Roebuck. Dad sold plumbing and heating, and I worked in visual merchandising. Often out of pure convenience the two of us would meet and share a coffee break or lunch. One afternoon I called him on the house phone, I told him I was taking a break. His immediate reply was that I had got my break when I got the job. I laughed and said   I’m going out into the mall to get my ear pierced, you want to come with, I’ll treat? His reply, just as quick “see you in a minute”. And so it was on that day that the two of us took coffee break, went out into the mall and g