Travel Blog, Tuesday August 3rd 2022


Photo credit: Scott Cain "Upper Fish Creek Falls"


Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Awake at 5:45am

Our house rental at 1020 Montview has proven a perfect place for our family to convene. This morning I was the first one up and about. I was hoping for some sort of sunrise to photo. Unfortunately while I am sure there was one I am new here and not yet in tune with these things. After coffee and some writing mom and I went for a walk. We both found a small trail north of our rental. There was a wonderful view of the mountains and a few old barns. After breakfast I rallied a group of us to go for a hike. We opted for Fish Creek Falls as our destination. 

Attending our group mom, Karen, Alex, Maisie, Nichole, Rebecca, Mark, Brook, and my self. The hike was stunning in it’s beauty. The trail reviews have it rated as a moderate hike. However for our group of un-experienced flat landers, this moderate was kind of challenging. We hiked 2.2 miles up hill for 2400 feet. The path was rugged and then even more moderately rugged. 

At the start many of us had trouble keeping our breath, and we stopped often to ask our selfs should we keep going? At each stop we would ask people trudging down how much farther. Some how as we made our assent it got easier. We made the upper falls in 2.5 hours. It was quite a sight. As we made our way down it started to rain. Our group splintered, with Karen and the three girls making their way first. Mom and I were in the middle. I stayed just just a few steps in front of mom as the rocks had become slippery. Every time I found a step or rock difficult, I would turn and offer an arm for mom to steady her self. It felt great to works as a team with her as the two of us worked our way down. 

At the bottom Karen and the girls had their feet in the water. Mom and I joined them, and it was delightful. As we waited for Alex, Mark and Brook we found out via text from Pamela that Brook had rolled her right foot badly. Our wait for them was longer than expected and we all worried about their wellbeing. Eventually they slowly made their way down and were safe in our company again.

        All in all our traverse of the trail took 4.5 hours. Back at our rental we took a soak in the hot tub then had dinner. Stacy cooked pulled pork for the family. It was delicious. By 8:30pm I was too tired to keep my eyes open, and so I snuck off to bed. I had a terrible time falling asleep, as it was hot in the room and my right leg wanted to twitch for hours. I suspect the two beers I drank at dinner were the culprit.


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