Destination New Normal
The new normal happened long ago with the smoking habit I once had. It keeps me going, knowing there is a indifferent someday. But today was a struggle, yet some how I found it in me. I talked with my mom today regarding my feelings on the subject of not drinking. She too is abstaining, although her motivation is directly related to her celiac condition. Her desire to join in on the fun when family and friends are celebrating is much the same as my own. I don’t think she was ever as much of a drinker as I, but her father my gramdpa Scholpp, was a daily drinker. Much like me I don't think he considered himself an alcoholic, maybe a regular drinker. Of course this is not for me to say what his thoughts on this were. He is long gone. And his behavior is only what I remember from my youth. The thing is it gives me real pause to think if I am not a drunk, then why is it such a pain to go with out. I know why I am doing this exercise. I don’t like the effects the booze has on my e...